Vincent Ernest Siders
Vincent Ernest SidersThe Huntington: Clyde’s. Regional: Arabian Nights and Mr G (Central Square Theatre); Guided Tour (Hibernian Hall); The Glass Menagerie (Lyric Stage Company); Much Ado About Nothing (Commonwealth Shakespeare Company); Jesus Hopped the A Train (Company One); Our Lady of 121st Street (SpeakEasy Stage); Monticel (Boston Playwrights’ Theatre).
Vincent Ernest Siders The Huntington: Clyde’s. Regional: Arabian Nights and Mr G (Central Square Theatre); Guided Tour (Hibernian Hall); The Glass Menagerie (Lyric Stage Company); Much Ado About Nothing (Commonwealth Shakespeare Company); Jesus Hopped the A Train (Company One); Our Lady of 121st Street (SpeakEasy Stage); Monticel (Boston Playwrights’ Theatre). Awards: two IRNEs for Best Direction; two IRNEs for Acting; Elliot Norton Award for Best Actor; and Boston Magazine’s Best of Boston Award for Best Actor. Currently Director and Lead Instructor for touring division of Youth Underground “Ambassadors” at Central Square Theatre. Former Artistic Director of New African Company and TYG Productions.
As of August 2023.