Carol G. Deane Rehearsal Hall
Located on the second floor of the Calderwood Pavilion, this angular room features stunning floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Tremont Street. Though specifically constructed for rehearsal use, this room is the perfect place for a reception, conference, meeting, luncheon, seminar or audition space.
For more information and booking-related questions or inquiries, contact Calderwood Pavilion Management at 617-933-8671 or rentals@bostontheatrescene.com.
Total: 1654 square feet
North wall: 45´
East wall: 39´
South wall: 46´
West wall: 35´
Lowest point on grid: 14´
Highest point on grid: 19´
Stage Floor:
Vinyl flooring on top of sprung wood floors
House Crew:
112 people
Blackout curtains available for windows
40 Chairs, assorted tables, sound system